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More than 20 years of intensive R&D experience in Humic Acid and advanced own facility, has enabled
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The nutritional composition and function of natural humic acid and biochemical humic acid

The nutritional composition and function of natural humic acid and biochemical humic acid

The nutritional composition and function of natural humic acid and biochemical humic acid.

Humic acid, including natural humic acid (peat, lignite, weathered coal), oxidized regeneration humic acid, biochemical humic acid, fungus humic acid and soil humic acid, is a heterogeneous organic polymer material containing carboxyl group, phenolic hydroxyl group and quinone group. Is the main natural humic acid plant and animal remains, is the result of a class of organic matter decomposition, microbial transformation, geochemical process caused and accumulated, "plant transformation" and "chemical polymerization" and "tissue autolysis" microbial synthesis of four kinds of scientific hypothesis. The difference between the natural peat humic acid and the main chemical composition of the plant is the disappearance of the protein. According to plant physiological metabolism and growth is the periodic cycle law of oxidation reduction, the function of natural humic acid has the following aspects.

(1) the plant growth is regulated by the redox transformation of the quinone phenolic hydroxyl group of the active functional group.

(2) using non quinone carbonyl group, nitro group, alcohol hydroxyl group and amino group can also be used for the oxidation reduction reaction of metabolism.

(3) the receptor of H affects the redox of plants and promotes the accumulation of sugar. Under the condition of hypoxia, natural humic acid can promote the synthesis of three phosphonoside (ATP), or serve as a source of polyphenols to play the role of the respiratory catalyst.

(4) containing steroids, terpenoids, alpha naphthyl acetic acid, succinic acid, cinnamic acid, coumaric acid, phenylacetic acid, ferulic acid and other 13 kinds of plant hormones.

(5) through its carboxyl functional groups, potassium humate, humic acid phosphorus, humic acid zinc, humic acid selenium, humic acid boron, humic acid calcium and humic acid iron can form organic-inorganic compound nutrients of controlled release plants.

(6) using its physical properties such as colloid, polyelectrolyte and surface activity as carrier of immobilized enzyme, improve target enzyme activity, play an anti stress, permeability, water conservation, promote metabolism, and maintain dynamic balance of plant nutrition.

(7) under the action of light, there are natural humic acid molecules in free radicals and a lot of environmental chemicals (pesticides, chemical fertilizers, metal ions and minerals), the herbicide detoxification, increase fertilizer efficiency etc.. Natural humic acid nutrient has been fruitful in agricultural applications in the form of fertilizers. However, the mechanism of nutrient transformation is still being explored with the synergistic effect of chemical pesticides and biological pesticides.

12. 22. 2017